Dzambhala, Dzambala, Zambala, or Jambala are all aliases for the God of Fortune and Wealth, Jambhala. He is, in fact, a Jewel family member. He is the emblem of good fortune and achievement. The Zambala is the Money Guardian. Kubera, a Hindu divinity, has been compared to him. He’s also thought to be the avatar of Avalokitesvara or Chenrezig, the Compassion Bodhisattva. Each of the five riches Jambhalas has its own ceremony and song for conquering poverty and ensuring financial stability.
Jambhala or Kuber or Namtse is a Bodhisattva who bestows worldly and spiritual wealth, as well as a variety of other benefits, the most important of which is economic stability. Because there are so many hostile and undesirable emotions or supernatural forces in this universe that can harm humanity and other sentient things, Dzambhala must assume a new rageful and powerful form in order to protect humanity from such destructive spirits and horrific crimes.
Dzambhala aids us through removing or removing all catastrophes and hurdles, as well as boosting all good fortune and contentment. It implies that possessing a zambala artwork in one’s home will bring the owner money and prosperity. He has sought Buddha and attained a state of mind nearest to nirvana as a supernatural being, a king of the North. Zambala now serves as a divine defender and protector of all sentient things, working from a place of immense love and generosity.
Dzam means “assembly” or “deity.” “Gold or wealth,” Bhah suggests. “To honor” is the sense of the word “la.” Dzambhala means “precious golden deity who gathers or distributes spirituality or Dharma with material stability or accomplishment to our circumstances.”
The Five Jambhalas
The five Jambhalas are embodiments of Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ kindness for sentient creatures, leading them on the spiritual journey.
Green Jambhala
Green Jambhala is by far the most prominent of the five Jambhalas, and portrays Buddha Amoghasiddhi, whom was pictured standing on a corpse with a mongoose in his left hand and a Kapala in his right. For most depictions, he is shown with his consort and a jewel-producing mongoose in his left hand. The body of the Green Jambhala is a bluish green tint. With Dakini in front of him, he lays in the vajra position. His right leg is crimped, and his right foot is above a snail and lotus blossom. His left clutching a mongoose named Nehulay, which spew out jewels from its mouth, whereas his right hand possesses Norbu. In her palm, the Dakini holds a lotus blossom. Green Jambala is also a form of Buddha Akshobhya, who is blue in color.
Across from Buddha Sakyamuni, Green Dzambhala pledged to protect anyone that recited his mantra or named him. When facing hardships, it is best to earnestly say the mantra in one’s heart.
Mantra of Green Jambhala
Om Karma Jambhala Ah Svaha

White Jambhala
The benevolent incarnation of the Bodhisattva Chenrezig is White Jambhala (or Dzambhala Gapee in Tibetan) (Guan Yin). He has the power to combat poverty and illness, to purify non-virtuous karma and karmic impediments, to avoid misfortune and illness, and to evolve bodhicitta mind. According to Tibetan mythology, a respected high lama named Atisha was wandering alone when he came upon a man who was famished and near death. He chopped flesh from his own body and offered it to the starving man after looking about and failing to find nourishment for the old man. The man, on the other hand, refused to consume his meat. Lama Atisha sat next to him, depressed and unsure how else to help the guy on the verge of death.
Mantra of White Jambhala
Om Padma Krodha Arya Jambhala Hridaya Hum Phat

Yellow Zambala
The Yellow Jambhala is considered the most popular and powerful of the Wealth Gods. He is the emanation of Buddha Ratnasambhava. He can remove poverty within the six realms, increasing virtues, life span and wisdom.
He is also said to be an emanation of Vaisravana, one of the “Four Great World-protecting Heavenly Kings”. He is the guardian of light in Buddhism, a great charitable deity who grants fortune and protection. Lord Vaisravana lives in the northern region under the Four Heavens, at the northern crystal palace on the fourth level of Mount Sumeru. His servants are either yaksas or bhaisajya-yaksas. According to the commentary on Lotus Sutra, this heavenly king is extremely knowledgeable as his perpetual protection of the Buddhas has enabled him to receive many teachings.
Mantra of Yellow Zambala
Om Jambhala Jalendraye Svaha
Red Jambhala
Red Jambhala is depicted practising together with his consort, the heavenly mother of wealth that is in charge of wealth in the human realm. In ancient times, this deity was practiced mainly by kings and royalty. His practice is most suitable to people in high power, or to pray for high power, for it can attract people, wealth and fame. One will enjoy wealth in abundance and shall be well respected and supported by people. There is also the Red Jambhala magnetizing method that can bless the practitioner with marital bliss and a harmonious family. Red Jambala is the manifestation of Vajrasattva. He has two faces and four arms and holds a treasury mongoose in his left hand. Tibetan name for him is Dzambhala Mapo if one chants his mantra sincerely, one will be protected by him and also gain wealth and one can lead a very good life and become popular. Red Ganpati also worshiped as Red Jambala.
Mantra of Red Jambhala
Om Jambhala Jalendraye Dhanam Medehi Hrih Dakini Jambhala Sambhara Svaha

Black Jambhala
The Black Jambhala is known as the Hindu God of Wealth, Kubera. Originated in ancient India, he manifested from the waters of the river and gave the transmission of generating wealth to a king whose kingdom was undergoing extreme financial difficulties during that time. He also benefits the poor and those in solitary retreat that have a virtuous mind. He is the manifestation of Amoghasiddhi Buddha by the request of Buddha Shakyamuni to turn the Wheel of Dharma to benefit sentient beings who are suffering from poverty. He will enable all endeavors to be perfectly accomplished and purify all bad luck and obstacles, prevent theft, bad debts and loss of wealth. Jambhala has a black colored body. He is depicted in a standing position over a human body, symbolizes to subdue human’s ego and eliminate human’s greed. His right hand is holding a Gem Pot and his left hand is holding an animal named Nehulay (mongoose) that spews jewels from out of its mouth. Black Jambhala also wears a snake necklace on his body. Black Kubera is also called as the chief of the five great Jambalas as he is said to have given people wealth and happiness. He is also known as one of the Hindu gods of wealth, Kubera.
Those who chant his mantra will get wealth and also if one has any kind wishes, he will also fulfill it and bring happiness. Black Jambala has two mantras. Black Jambala usually standing upon a corpse and holding Mongoose in his left hand and Kapala is in the right hand.
Mantra of Black Jambhala
Om Jambhala Jalendraye Bashu Dharini Svaha
The Practice
The basis of five Jambhalas practices is Bodhicitta. Practitioners should generate the altruistic intention of compassion (Bodhicitta), and practice generosity. The practice can remove poverty within the six realms and increase one’s merits, wisdom and lifespan. All their material and spiritual needs will be met. The puja of five Jambhalas summons immense positive wealth energies upon the participants. The Buddhists believe that wealth results from one’s past actions, but this puja itself also plays a significant role in changing the course of one’s financial situation.
Spritzing sculptures with water
The legend said that while Gautama Buddha was teaching the Maha Prajna – Paramita Sutra, the jealous Devadatta threw rocks at the Buddha. But instead, the rocks hit White and Yellow Jambhalas on their heads and hit Black Jambhala on the stomach. Buddha then came over to Jambhala and blessed him; from his hand came a white, nectar-like substance of wisdom and compassion and love, and touched Jambhala’s head. Jambhala felt very blissful, happy, calm, and cleaned his impurities and obstructions, and his wounds. Jambhala immediately bowed down to Buddha and thanked him.
Sakyamuni Buddha said to him, “As I have healed you and I poured this holy nectar onto you, in the future any one of my students or student’s students who invokes your power and pours water onto your head – bestow on them wealth, give them the two types of wealth, material wealth and spiritual wealth, more importantly spiritual wealth.” After that, Jambhala folded his hands and said, “I will do as you have said and I promise that I will do that.” That story has become the basis for the practitioners of Jambhala Puja to spritz water over their statues or to place their statues under the falling water of six-step waterfalls