Round Mandala painting on cotton canvas – handmade thangka painting from Nepal

$ 18.00

Size(cm): 29×29

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Sold By : Tibet House SKU: GT01669 Categories: ,


Mandala is taken as sacred space and also as an abode of fully realised beings or deities. In the Buddhist and Hindu traditions sacred art often takes a mandala form. The basic form of mandalas is square with four gates containing a circle with a center point. Spiritual and ritual significance. A circle which is device for the Tantric meditation. Round mandala thanka painting is wonderful piece of art. A representation of the unconscious,self mandala enables one to identify emotional disorders and work towards wholeness in personality. Mandala is regarded as a place separated and protected from the ever changing and impure outer world of samsara. A place of nirvana and peace.

Additional information

Dimensions 29 × 29 cm