Phurba (Bajrakilla) is one of the preferred tantric archetype deity used in Nyigma Order. It is also meant as the Vajrakumar. It is the deity of the alchemy phurba dagger a symbol of the honed point of wisdom fixed motionless on goodness by the power of one of the sharp point of intelligence fixed immobile on goodness by the power of one honed attentiveness . Bajrakilaya has three heads except for the front one believed vajras with five and nine prongs. The right front one becomes a gesture as granting booms with open palm and his three left hands hold a enflamed three refuge jewel, a teident and the phurba dagger, his legs are drawn in front. A human skin is tied diagonally across his chest with the hands lying flat on his stomach where his back is covered by the latterly flayed skin of the elephant of ignocance.